Peggy Plots Your Planets

Your horoscope for the week of September 22

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her e-mail.


ARIES (March 20-April 19)

The sun moves to Libra on Friday. Mercury, the messenger, travels to Libra on Sunday. Your space of communication takes center stage. Friday brings the autumn equinox, the start of fall. Relationships are active when Mars hooks up with Uranus. You will have a sudden opportunity to meet new people. New pleasure and prestige will occupy the spotlight. New moon Tuesday. Write down your wishes for the month and set your goals. People are there to help you reach your goals. Just ask.


TAURUS (April 20-May 19)

You are in for a busy week. The sun heads for Libra on Friday. Your daily work department takes center stage as you work in the spotlight. Welcome the fall equinox. Seek balance as the sun arrives in Libra, the keeper of the scales. Mercury joins the sun and Saturn in Libra on Sunday. You may have to make adjustments to a few of your plans. New moon Tuesday. Make your wish list and set your goal for the month. You will notice change in your daily work department. Ask for what you want.


GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

The sun moves into Libra on Friday, the fall equinox. Libra is your sister air sign. Your confidence is high. Plenty of unexpected conversations are coming up. You could hear from people who share your ideas. Libra will host five planets on Wednesday—the sun, Saturn, Venus, Mercury and the moon. Libra is in your house of fun, love and luck. I would take a little gamble on Wednesday. I call this dealer’s choice. Lady Luck will take center stage. A new moon Tuesday will bring new beginnings.


CANCER (June 21-July 21

So you feel a little anxious. Lots going on this week. The fall equinox arrives Friday as the sun pulls into Libra. Your home front is in the spotlight this month. Libra rules your home. Libra will host a new moon Tuesday. Write down your wishes for the month and set a goal. Weigh your personal options. Libra is the scale of balance and justice. Your life is about to shift to a new direction. You should enjoy the change. I know you are not fond of change, but this change is long overdue. Spend time with the family.


LEO (July 22-August 22)

Five planets will visit Libra this week. The sun will bring the fall equinox to Libra on Friday, joining Saturn. Mercury enters Libra on Sunday afternoon, and a new moon occurs there on Tuesday. Five planets in Libra on Tuesday allows you to march to your own drummer. Libra is occupying your third house of communication. Mars and Uranus will bring you action and surprise. Good news may arrive suddenly this weekend. Don’t forget to write down your wishes and set a goal for the month.


VIRGO (August 23- September 21)

For you later-born Virgos, I have something I would like to share. You are known as cusp babies. When you are born in the beginning or ending of a sign, it is a good idea to follow that sign and its neighbor. You later-born Virgos should read both Virgo and Libra. You may find you are a little of both signs. On Friday, the sun travels to Libra, bringing the fall equinox. Changes are on the way. Keep your guard up. Remain focused. New moon Tuesday. Write down your wishes for the month and set a goal.


LIBRA (September 22- October 22)

The sun moves into your sign Friday, bringing the fall equinox. I have something to share with you early-born Libras. You are cusp babies. When you are born at the beginning or ending of a sign, you are a cusp baby. If your birthday falls in the next few days, you Libras should also follow Virgo. Many changes will flow your way this month. Five planets will be in your sign this week. Your energy is high. New moon Tuesday in Libra. Mercury, the messenger, will help you communicate your thoughts. Time to explore your new ideas.


SCORPIO (October 23- November 21)

A new moon that will occur Tuesday in Libra may have you feeling a little antsy. You water signs—Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces—feel new and full moons more intensely than other signs. For you, changes are on the way when sun pulls the fall equinox into Libra on Friday. Mars brings action and energy and Uranus provides sudden change. Talk about your profession. You may want to work behind the scenes to complete work on unfinished projects. I know you want to pursue new projects. Venus teams up with Saturn, Mr. Stability, who allows you to express your feelings.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 20)

You can learn new things or get something published while Mars visits Leo. You may find a long-distance trip on your agenda. The sun travels to Libra on Friday, brings with it the autumn equinox. You could find yourself shooting off in another direction. Changes are on the way. Play it cool this week. New moon Tuesday in Libra. Write down your wishes and set a goal for the month. With five planets in Libra, you will have a busy schedule. New people will enter your life. Talk with clubs and organizations.


CAPRICORN (December 21-January 20)

You have a busy month to look forward to. The fall equinox occurs Friday as the sun moves into Libra. Many changes are on tap. New moon Tuesday in Libra. Write down your wishes for the month and set a goal. Five planets in Libra this week puts the spotlight on your house of career. The people in authority will notice you. Libra has the scales, and she will teach you the balance you need to reach your goals. You will be busy balancing the demands of the folks in authority with the needs of your family members.


AQUARIUS (January 19-February 17)

Allow your intuition to guide you. With five planets in Libra, you may be searching for balance this week. You have an opportunity for long-distance travel. The sun travels to Libra on Friday along with the fall equinox. Expect change and big ideas. Mercury moves to Libra on Sunday. This could open your eyes a bit. You could be drawn between travel and education. Either way, you learn. Share your higher knowledge. You have much to share. A world of options can flow your way.


PISCES (February 18-March 19)

You little fish should feel a little antsy this weekend. Could be the approaching new moon. Five planets will be in Libra this week. Saturn and Venus will be joined there by the sun on Friday and Mercury on Saturday. The new moon will occur in Libra on Tuesday. Write down your wishes and set a goal for the month. The fall equinox will accompany the sun in Libra. You are on the brink of many changes. The times are changing. Be careful that you do not overplay your hand. The folks in the financial world are there to help you. Spend time with Libra friends. They can help you find balance.


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