Peggy Plots Your Planets

Your horoscope for the week of September 29

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her e-mail.


ARIES (March 20-April 19)

It’s time to chat as your relationship department takes center stage, thanks to four planets in Libra. This involves both personal and business relationships. Today is Rosh Hashanah. Mercury, the messenger, and Mars provide an abundance of energy. Go ahead and run around the playground. Friday could be a lucky day when Venus and Saturn get together. The sun sends a wink to the red planet. Play to win. Now, if you channel the Mars energy correctly, you could be highly productive.


TAURUS (April 20-May 19)

Take a little time for exercise. This could help you reduce stress. Mars is supplying you with an abundance of energy this week. Get the rest you need. The folks at home are full of action and energy. Today is a good day to talk with co-workers. Listen to what others have to share. Good news arrives Friday on the home front. You may take a little trip this weekend. On Monday, play it cool with the family as the red planet squares off with Jupiter. You may receive an offer too good to be true.


GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

With four planets in sister air sign Libra, you are eager to do something. Show others how creative you are. Use the energy wisely when Mercury, your ruling planet, teams up with Mars. Leave a little time for fun this weekend. You can make a little wager when the sun and Mars team up on Friday. Keep your secrets to yourself on Monday. As the red planet clashes with Jupiter, it is not a good week to share your knowledge with the folks in the neighborhood. Keep your words soft and tender with siblings.


CANCER (June 21-July 21

Mercury sends a wink to Mars, and you could receive a bonus. News arrives on the home front. The home is stable and the family is ready for fun. You could receive a change in your earned income this week. Share your values with others. With four planets in Libra, you have balance on the home front. Monday is not the day to share your wishes, hopes and goals. Other folks may not have the same values as you. Work on your goals behind the scenes.


LEO (July 22-August 22)

Play it cool, little kitty. Do not make promises you cannot keep. Do not leap too far when you make career decisions. You can take a leap if you have the skills and can make a careful landing. Do not take risks. Jupiter and Mars square off on Monday. Venus and Saturn can show you how to get organized and get your timing right when relating to others. You must be persistent. You can do anything you set your mind to as long as you are consistent. Chill out Monday. Take the day off.


VIRGO (August 23- September 21)

It’s time to negotiate. Make sure everyone gets a fair shake. As Saturn occupies your earned income department, you should pay attention to your spending. Just make a plan and stick to it. It is not wise to share your secrets as Mars hooks up with Mercury. Talk about your values. Play it cool on Monday when the red planet and Jupiter clash. Keep your knowledge to yourself. Others may not share your ideas and beliefs. A surprise could flow your way on Wednesday. Get out and have a little fun.


LIBRA (September 22- October 22)

Enjoy your birthday month. Do not forget to make a plan to reach your goal for the next year. Write down your wishes. Keep a wish list and look at it often. Mars and Mercury allow you to share your ideas with others. Keep your relationship department open. Join a group, club or organization. You may want to take a little trip on Sunday. Monday is not a good day to meet with the people in the financial world when the red planet clashes with Jupiter. On Wednesday, chat with co-workers. You may be surprised by what you hear.


SCORPIO (October 23- November 21)

Fall is in the air. Mercury winks at Mars, the planet of action and energy. Now, chill out. The red planet is in Leo in your career department. Ask yourself if you want to share your secrets with the folks in authority. Venus and Saturn help you reinforce your boundaries and express your feelings. Do not go overboard and overwhelm others with your unique ideas. On Sunday, head for the park and enjoy the trees and leaves. Play it cool on Monday. Not a good day for relationships. Spend time by yourself. No need to argue with the boss when Jupiter squares off with Mars.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 20)

You may travel or learn new skills, thanks to Mars. Friends and group activities could keep you busy for the next few weeks. It’s a good day to share your goals as Venus and Saturn team up. The moon will be in Scorpio on Friday. Notice what you can dig up when the sun works with Mars. Could be a good day to connect with friends who can help you reach your goals. The moon travels to your sign. Chill out Monday. Mars squares off with Jupiter. Be careful that you do not stretch yourself too thin.


CAPRICORN (December 21-January 20)

Mars provides energy. You are ready to take action. You need to slow down a bit. Do not offer to go that extra mile. You need to put more balance in your life. You will get the recognition you deserve. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, brings fun, love and luck into your life. Spend time with the folks you love. Chill out on Monday and Tuesday. Not good days for business. Uranus and the moon in your sign could bring a surprise Wednesday when it works with Uranus.


AQUARIUS (January 19-February 17)

Today is a good time to think seriously about what you really want. A stroke of good luck may come your way this week. Now, do your homework. Remain focused. Go slow for the next few days. Think things through. You can reach your goals if you do not rush. On Wednesday, take the high road. Mars squares off with Jupiter. Watch out for conflicts or clashing beliefs. Do not allow anyone to push you into taking on more than you can handle. Walk away. You will be happy you did.


PISCES (February 18-March 19)

Think before you speak. Reset a few of your boundaries. Creativity could be high on your list this week. Remain focused. Today is Rosh Hashanah. Mercury sends a wink to Mars. The red planet shoots action to the daily work department. Talk to the folks in the financial world about your shared resources. Get the facts and think things through. Pay attention to your professional and personal relationships. Do not promise more than you are willing to give. No need for a headache down the road. A Libra friend can help you gain the balance you need. Talk business.


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