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Peggy Plots Your Planets

Your horoscope for the week of April 17

Peggy Allison is the author of The Fundamentals of Astrology: A Comprehensive Guide for the Beginner. She is a professional astrologer who lives on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and prepares personal astrological charts. Contact her at 340-774-2932, 340-513-3755, or through her e-mail.


ARIES (March 20-April 18)

I have something to share with you later-born Aries. Whenever you are born close to another sign, you are born on the cusp, so you should read both signs. You later-born Aries should follow Taurus as well as Aries. The sun moves into Taurus on Friday. As several planets change signs, you may notice a shift of energy. On Saturday, Mars travels to Taurus. With three planets in your space of self-worth, you may decide to save a little of your earned income.


TAURUS (April 19-May 19)

You may feel like you are bouncing all over the barnyard with three planets in your sign this week. The sun enters your sign on Friday. Here’s something you later-born bulls should know. You should read Aries as well as Taurus. You are a little of both signs. You may notice a shift in energy. Keep your eyes open while you roll with the changes. Venus winks at Pluto to send you the energy to share your knowledge and talk about long trips.


GEMINI (May 20-June 20)

You may feel changes in energy. You love to communicate. Chill out and get the rest you need. Great time to work behind the scenes. On Friday, the sun settles in Taurus, where he will be joined by Mars on Saturday. Now, slow down. On Friday, think before you speak. Mercury, your ruling planet, and Saturn, the wise old man, are at odds. Remain focused. No need for arguments this weekend. Your work begins to pick up later this month. This is why I told you to get some rest.


CANCER (June 21-July 21)

It is time to party. On Saturday, Mars, the planet of action and energy, moves to Taurus. You have three planets in the relationship section of your chart. Good time to join groups, clubs and organizations. You have an opportunity to share your knowledge. People listen as you talk about your ideas, hopes, wishes and goals. Your energy level is high. Time for a little action. The folks in authority are noticing you. Monday is Earth Day. If you are a little anxious, you are feeling the full moon next week.


LEO (July 22-August 21)

On Friday, the sun moves on to Taurus, where you can get in on more birthday parties. Mars, the planet of action and energy, will join the sun in Aries on Saturday. Your knowledge department is in the spotlight while the sun, Venus and Mars visit. You enjoy travel, and an opportunity may flow your way, thanks to three planets. Share our knowledge. Talk about your ideas. Play it cool on Sunday when Mercury squares off with Pluto. Think before you speak.


VIRGO (August 22- September 21)

Get ready for a little change of energy. The sun arrives in Taurus on Friday. Mars lands in Taurus on Saturday. Your knowledge department is in the spotlight, thanks to Mars, the sun and Venus. Go ahead and detail and analyze. Share your knowledge. You may find an opportunity to travel. Some of you may decide to take a class to advance your career opportunities. On Monday, keep your words on the tender side.


LIBRA (September 22- October 22)

Keep your words tender today. The moon squares off with three planets—the sun, Venus and Mars. Not a good time to deal with those in your relationship department. You may notice a change in energy as two planets change signs this week. On Friday, the sun travels to Taurus. Get ready to deal with the folks in the financial world this month. Trust yourself when you work with your joint resources. On Saturday, Mars enters Taurus. Use the energy wisely.


SCORPIO (October 23- November 20)

With Mercury in Aries, you are eager to communicate with your coworkers. Keep your words tender today as the moon squares off with three planets—the sun, Venus and Mars—in the daily work section of your chart. Your energy shifts a bit when two planets change signs. The sun travels to Taurus on Friday. Mars follows on Saturday as the two planets meet in Taurus. You may find your social life on the rise. This involves both business and personal friends.


SAGITTARIUS (November 21- December 20)

Put the word out to test the water and notice what comes back. Test your new ideas before you reveal them. The energy changes when two planets travel to Taurus this week. Today is not a good time for business. On Friday, the sun lands in Taurus. Mars joins the sun and Venus there on Saturday. With three planets in your house of daily work for the next month, use the energy wisely. No need to argue with coworkers.


CAPRICORN (December 21-January 19)

The fun, love and luck department of your chart gets company this week. The sun travels to Taurus on Friday. The next day, Mars, the planet of action and energy, joins the sun and Venus there. When Mercury faces off with Pluto, Sunday is not the time to talk business with family members. Take advantage of the activity in the love, fun and luck department. Play it cool on Monday when Venus and Saturn, your ruling planet, are at odds.


AQUARIUS (January 19-February 17)

Take time to pace yourself as two planets change signs this week. On Friday, the sun moves to Taurus. On Saturday, Mars joins Venus and the sun in Taurus. Your home and family are in the spotlight. Mercury and Uranus team up on Saturday. You could receive unexpected news. Play it cool on Sunday when Mercury squares off with Pluto. Do not believe everything you hear. Not a good time to reveal secrets. You have an opportunity to think outside the box. New ideas flow your way.


PISCES (February 18-March 19)

The sun travels to Taurus on Friday. The energy changes when two planets change signs. On Saturday, Mars, the planet of action and energy, joins Venus and the sun in Taurus. You will have no problem communicating this month. Discuss your values. Talk about your ideas, hopes, wishes and goals. Your friends are there for you this week. Seek the knowledge you need. Being informed will boost your confidence. Remain focused when the sun teams up with Mars on Wednesday. Think before you speak.


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