AVN Fan Fest: What to see and do at the porn convention

Patrice Sabourin of France poses for a photo with Jules Jordan Video stars at the 2012 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in the Hard Rock Hotel on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012.

While the porny madness of AVN’s Adult Entertainment Expo began this past Saturday at the Hard Rock Hotel with Internext, AEE’s web-specific component, the real fun begins today.

That’s because AVN cut the ribbon this morning for AEE’s Fan Fest, kicking off three days of perusing the porn industry for adult film enthusiasts. And while there’s a lot to see on the convention room floor, the Fan Fest pass scores admirers access to a whole lot more. Here are a few highlights:

Fan seminars

Just like attending industry executives, fans also can get their learn on at AEE.

Find out how to make your own naughty films during “Secret Ways 1,000’s are Making Money in Porn” Friday (2:15-3:30 p.m.) and Saturday (3-4 p.m.) afternoon. Adult entertainment attorney AJ Comparetto hosts, and discussion topics include: Producing videos and getting paid, protecting identities, complying with laws and how to recruit models.

Considering how AEE’s attendance skews towards the heterosexual male demographic, it’s no surprise Friday’s “How to Catch a Kitten” seminar (Friday, 5-6 p.m.) made the schedule. Guys can learn how to become the ultimate ladies man from Shy Love, who will give out tips on dating, social skills and how to be more successful and confident with women. Who knows? Maybe you’ll score a porn star’s number this weekend …


In addition to the eye candy walking through the exhibition, AEE offers Fan Fest ticket holders even more distractions with burlesque and aerial performances, screenings of adult films and porn star karaoke and bingo. Other highlights: A live interview with AVN Awards hosts Chanel Preston and Samantha Saint (Thursday, 2:30 p.m.), a sex education seminar (Friday, 4 p.m.) and beer pong with industry actresses (Saturday, 12:30 p.m.). Find the full schedule here.

The Lair

If you’re into having a more interactive experience exploring the sex industry, consider wandering up to the Lair. The fetish and fantasy playground allows attendees to learn about the BDSM (bondage, discipline/dominance, sado-masochism) culture and community, as dominatrices and other industry professionals will be on hand to educate the curious.

Introduced at last year's fest, the “interactive kinky space” features new themed spaces in 2014. In addition to the Lair’s 15 “play stations” (including spanking benches, bondage tables, cages and more), attendees can explore the Naughty Nurses Room, the Kink Lab or the Fetish Film Screening Room.

The BDSM-focused space also features a number of vendors hawking their goods (think whips, restraints, etc.) and an interactive fetish photo booth, so fans can take a sexy souvenir with them.


The porny party doesn’t end at the convention floor, as clubs and bars around town are hosting a number of afterparties and special adult events—and Fan Fest attendees score free entry at a few of them.

Fan Fest goers can party with the lovely ladies of Wicked Pictures Thursday night, as they host an afterparty—with complimentary cover for AEE pass holders—at Aria’s Haze. Pure also offers pass holders comped access Saturday night, as starlet Jesse Jane hosts a post-soiree following the AVN Awards.

AVN Awards

While not included in the Fan Fest ticket prices, adult film buffs (pun intended) would be remiss to miss this annual event, as the awards show has more or less become the Oscars of porn. Chanel Preston and Samantha Saint host the Saturday night soiree.

Adult Entertainment Expo: AVN Fan Fest January 16-18; times vary; $100-$120/day (VIP); $80/day (GA); $300/3-day pass; $275, AVN Awards ticket. Hard Rock Hotel, 693-5000.

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