
Trust Us: Lunch like a Spaniard at Jaleo, a Harry Potter convention and other stuff to do this week

Paella at Jaleo
    • Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical at Onyx Theatre

      Not only does an off-Broadway adaptation of the ’78 adult film (about Debbie and her pals trying out for the Texas Cowgirls cheerleader squad) exist, it’s been around since ’02. Note: Raunchy musical numbers supplant the sex scenes. July 7-24; Thursday-Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 5 p.m.; $23. –Mike Prevatt

    • Lunch Like a Spaniard at Jaleo

      Paella at Jaleo

      José Andrés’ Cosmopolitan tapas emporium has launched a three- or four-plate lunch menu, allowing diners to leisurely enjoy favorites and other Spanish creations, including the escabeche-like Escalivada Catalana with fire-roasted peppers and eggplant and a mini-burger made with Ibérico bacon. Daily, 12-4 p.m., $25-$30. –Brock Radke

    • Trent Cantrelle at Azure

      Catch Trent Cantrelle at Azure July 10.

      The DJ (and man behind Sirius XM Chill’s Sounds Like radio show) will likely drop his new Yoshitoshi and MOOD releases when he headlines SunDaze. We recently spoke to the New Orleans native/LA resident.

      You’ve played Vegas pool parties before, but does SunDaze cater more to your vibe and sound? The last pool parties have been typical Vegas pool [parties]; it’s everyone popping bottles, and I had to cater slightly to that sort of thing. When I heard about this pool party—I don’t like to use the term “underground,” but it was more of an underground-style pool party. To know that there’s an event that’s actually catering to that style of music without going the models-and-bottles route, it’s kind of refreshing.

      You were offered a residency at a Vegas megaclub during the EDM boom, but you declined. Why? It was flattering to be offered at the time, but I just don’t feel like I was the right fit—I still don’t think I was. ... Every music’s got a time and place, and mine just wasn’t there.

      Since it’s July in Vegas, will you still be able to keep it techno in your trademark black shirt? It’ll probably be a black sleeveless shirt. I don’t really have any other colors in my closet. As long as they have an umbrella covering the DJ booth, I’ll be alright. With Brett Rubin, JC Coats, Justin Cornwall & others. July 10, 11 a.m., free with RSVP at sundazelv.splashthat.com. –Deanna Rilling

    • Valley Theatre Awards at the Smith Center

      The Valley Theatre Awards will acknowledge the best local stage productions of the year at the Smith Center July 11.

      After starting life at Art Square Theatre in 2014 and then moving into Inspire Theater last year, the Valley Awards will celebrate local theater in some swanky new digs in year three: Troesch Studio. “The Smith Center’s invitation is a fabulous acknowledgement of the vital place locally produced theater has in the fabric of this city,” says organizer Jacob Coakley, who also serves as the Weekly’s theater critic.

      This edition will feature performances and unrevealed surprises, as 95 nominees are honored in 19 categories, ranging from Best Play and Best Musical to Best Actor and Actress and Best Costume Design. Six troupes are represented: Cockroach Theatre, Las Vegas Little Theatre, Off-Strip Productions, A Public Fit, Signature Productions and Super Summer Theatre. “Looking at the list of nominees reminds me what a strong year we had,” Coakley says. “There’s something really special happening in theater right now, and I’m glad we get to celebrate it.” July 11, 8 p.m., $29. –Spencer Patterson

    • Leviosa at Green Valley Ranch Resort

      Harry Potter fans rejoice! The Leviosa convention is at GVR July 7-10.

      Harry Potter fans, immerse yourselves in the wizarding world of Hogwarts at this four-day convention. Highlights include the Welcome Feast buffet, keynote speaker Chris Rankin (Percy Weasley in the films) and drawing sessions of live, costumed models. Bring your wand, or your “Wingardium Leviosa” chant might not trigger the spell. Thursday-Sunday, times vary, $60-$100. –Rosalie Spear

    • John Melendez at Adrenaline Sports Bar & Grill

      John Melendez plays Adrenaline Sports Bar & Grill July 8.

      How many people can claim to have made both Gennifer Flowers and the Dalai Lama chuckle? Formerly Stuttering John on The Howard Stern Show and an announcer for The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, Melendez brings his comedy act to town, as producer Jack Slammy continues to book diverse lineups in the suburbs. July 8, 9 p.m., $10. –Jason Harris

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