
[Local DVD Spotlight]

Killer Biker Chicks

Killer Biker Chicks

Local filmmaker Regan Redding’s Killer Biker Chicks opens with a title card explaining the definition of a B-movie, so you certainly can’t accuse him of not knowing his limitations. But even B-movies have standards of quality in their own way, and while Killer Biker Chicks provides plenty in the gratuitous-nudity department, it fails pretty miserably on most other fronts, with a near-total lack of any sort of plot, weak action sequences featuring incredibly fake-looking violence and a sense of humor that’s far more stupid than clever. Movies like this get by on a sleazy, campy sense of indulgence, but Redding’s 100-minute ode to badass motorcycle-riding women is too listless to be much fun.

The Details

Killer Biker Chicks
Two stars
From the Calendar
Killer Biker Chicks release party
With Yeller Bellies, Quint and the Cowpunk Calamity, Lucky Cheats and The X-Girlfriend Experience.
Aug. 29, 8 p.m.
The Bunkhouse

He’s got a game cast, certainly, full of buxom women willing to take off their tops at the slightest provocation (or none at all), and that counts for something. But none of these mostly charming actors is given much to actually do, and the movie seems like a collection of disjointed, possibly unrelated scenes for at least its first half. Even when the characters do finally converge, Redding still throws in random flashbacks and musical numbers that come off as little more than padding. Those musical numbers (and the rest of the soundtrack) at least feature some cool local punk, rockabilly and country acts, some of whom will be playing at the film’s premiere party at the Bunkhouse this week. Live music and booze will probably make the whole experience much more enjoyable.


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