Holding out for more heroes

Runaways is slowly being developed by Marvel.

This summer has seen Thor, Green Lantern and now Captain America hit the big screen. Here are five more offbeat superheroes who might make for interesting movies.

Black Panther Wesley Snipes was long rumored to play Marvel’s African ruler-turned-superhero, but since he’s otherwise occupied, there’s a chance to take a quirkier approach based on writer Christopher J. Priest’s early ’00s stories featuring the Panther as an arrogant enigma.

Plutonian Mark Waid’s Irredeemable posits the Superman-like Plutonian as a terrifying menace, once he snaps and starts murdering millions of people instead of saving them. The movies could use a fallen hero to balance out all the wholesome do-gooders.


Dynamo 5 The five illegitimate children of a deceased superhero legend each inherit one of his powers, and have to work together to fight villains while coming to terms with their familial legacy. It’s action plus angst, with a great hook.

Runaways Marvel is slowly developing a movie based on these quippy teen heroes, which could be a great low-key contrast to its typically bombastic superhero epics.

Major Bummer Forget icons like Wonder Woman and Aquaman—what DC really needs to do is make a movie about this slacker whose powers were more irritating than empowering, and who preferred watching TV to stopping crime.


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