
The Sci Fi Center scares up a new first-run horror series

Stephen Dorff and Brake hit the Sci Fi Center on April 21.

The Details

April 21, 8 p.m., $7
Sci Fi Center, 792-4335,

If there were an award for Best Place to See a Classic Horror Film, the Sci Fi Center would win it hands-down. The Center’s screening room is a great place to congregate with fellow fans and check out classic and obscure horror and sci-fi movies. Now, it’s also the only place in Las Vegas to catch certain new theatrical releases from IFC Films—thrillers and horror movies from the indie-movie distributor that won’t be playing anywhere else in town (although they are available via On Demand).

The series kicks off this Saturday with Brake, starring Stephen Dorff as a Secret Service agent held captive in the trunk of a car, desperately trying to figure out what his captors want and how he can escape. On April 28, the Center will show ATM, a thriller from the writer of Buried, which featured Ryan Reynolds trapped in a coffin. ATM has three characters trapped in an ATM kiosk as a psychopath terrorizes them. And on May 8 and 10, the Center will feature The Moth Diaries, from American Psycho director Mary Harron, about sinister goings-on at a girls’ boarding school. The plan is to show two IFC releases a month, so the Center may just pick up the Best Place to See a New Horror Film award as well.


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