
Three days, 100 titles at the Dam Short Film Festival

Awful, being shown at the Dam Short Film Festival, is the biography of teddy bear.

The Dam Short Film Festival is celebrating its eighth year of championing an underrated art form (short films) in an underrated location (Boulder City). More than 100 short films will be showcased over the festival’s three days, playing in Boulder City’s vintage Boulder Theatre. Here are a few highlights from the festival, including picks from festival co-founder and executive director Lee Lanier.

The Details

Dam Short Film Festival
February 9-11, various times, $6 per screening, $50 passes.
Boulder Theatre, 1225 Arizona St., Boulder City.

Odd Jobs and Independent Spirits A baker, a florist and a guitar-maker are three of the subjects featured in this program of documentaries about offbeat and important jobs. February 9, 12:45 p.m.

From Perth to Sydney: Films From Australia The DSFF is always an international affair, and this year’s festival features a special spotlight on movies from Down Under, including animation, drama and student films. February 9, 4:30 p.m.

A Different Kind of Love “This is an unusual program,” Lanier says. “It revolves around nontraditional stories of love and romance, including social taboos and gender swaps.” February 9, 8:15 p.m.

Unique Views Lanier especially loves programming this showcase for avant-garde films, from surreal animation and musical numbers to a camera being thrown off a bridge. February 10, 11 a.m.

International Stories Films from Brazil, South Korea, Israel, the United Kingdom and Spain make up this program of dramas from around the world, ranging from a story of sexual awakening to the biography of a teddy bear. February 10, 4:15 p.m.

Nevada Filmmakers There’s always a strong showing by locals at the festival, with Vegas filmmakers including Eric West and Dean Pizzoferrato (an award-winner last year) bringing their latest works to Boulder City. February 10, 8:30 p.m.

Best of the Fest If you can only make it to Boulder City for one program, this is the one to see, collecting all of the festival award-winners into one marathon of short-film excellence. February 11, 8 p.m.


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