Social Media Film Festival needs a stronger hook

What kind of movies would you expect to see at the Social Media Film Festival? The difficulty in answering that question may be part of what kept people away from last weekend’s inaugural event, which was poorly attended though efficiently run.

The lineup (at least the selections that I saw) was a scattered mix of socially conscious documentaries and allegorical narrative films, some of which had nothing to do with social media at all. There were some truly terrible offerings (I could barely sit through the disturbingly chipper and painfully preachy short “The Miracles on Honey Bee Hill”), but I was also impressed with the well-acted low-budget sci-fi feature The Last Push and amused by the slick, superficial documentary Craigslist Joe, which played at Sunday night’s closing party. Those movies had essentially nothing in common, and if the Social Media Film Festival is going to continue, the organizers probably need to develop a stronger hook to reel in an audience.


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