
Film review: ‘Pitch Perfect’

Yes, the title’s a bit corny, but go with it. You’ll have a great time at Pitch Perfect.

The Details

Pitch Perfect
Three stars
Anna Kendrick, Anna Camp, Brittany Show, Skylar Astin. Directed by Jason Moore.
Rated PG-13. Now playing.
Beyond the Weekly
Official Movie Site
IMDb: Pitch Perfect
Rotten Tomatoes: Pitch Perfect

So many teen movies are content to talk down to their target audience that it’s refreshing to find one that takes the lives and interests of young people on their own terms. The college comedy Pitch Perfect isn’t breathtakingly original or fall-down funny, but it has an infectious sense of fun, a charming cast and a plot that celebrates diversity and dorkiness without coming across as cheesy. Anna Kendrick plays a sullen college freshman with dreams of being a DJ who reluctantly joins an all-female a cappella group and discovers that she loves it. The interplay among the members of the group, including a self-confident big girl who calls herself Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson, stealing many scenes) is the heart of the movie, with plenty of genuinely amusing moments. The central romance is a bit of a non-starter, and the plot drags on for too long, but the combination of inventive musical numbers and winning characters makes Pitch Perfect a pleasant surprise.


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