
Stay away from the dreadful ‘Getaway’

Hey, Selena, something terrible is happening!” “I know, Ethan … I think it’s this movie.”

One and a half stars

Getaway Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez, Jon Voight. Directed by Courtney Solomon. Rated PG-13. Opens Friday.

At the screening I attended, the theater accidentally showed the first 10 minutes of Getaway without any dialogue, before fixing the sound problem and starting the movie over. The dialogue-free version of Getaway probably would have been better, just an impressionistic parade of burned rubber and crashed cars. Instead we get a moronic, nonsensical plot about a former race car driver (Ethan Hawke) forced by a mysterious mastermind (Jon Voight) to steal a souped-up car and wreak havoc on the budget-friendly streets of Sofia, Bulgaria (at one point his instructions are to “smash into as many things as possible”). Selena Gomez is hilariously miscast as a street-smart tough girl who gets caught up in the mayhem, and the dialogue is consistently terrible. Sadly, even without the dialogue the movie probably wouldn’t have worked, as the car chases, impressive at first, quickly become repetitive. It’s hard to generate suspense from a street race when your movie has nowhere to go.

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