
With Christmas-themed horror ‘Krampus’ opening, here’s more seasonal scares


Black Christmas (1974) With its story of a mysterious killer targeting sorority sisters over the holidays, Black Christmas is an often unsung influence on the slasher genre. Director Bob Clark later went on to make the much less horrific A Christmas Story.

Christmas Evil (1980) Goofy title aside, Christmas Evil is a surprisingly gritty psychological thriller about a man whose Santa-related childhood trauma causes him to descend into madness, dressing as Santa and attacking anyone who doesn’t fit his idea of the Christmas spirit.

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010) This oddball Finnish movie features Santa as a demon accidentally released by a scientific expedition. Local hunters must stop him from killing their reindeer and lethally punishing their naughty children.

Santa’s Slay (2005) Did you know that Santa is actually the son of Satan, cursed by an angel to spread joy? When he’s released from the curse, Santa (played by ex-pro wrestler Bill Goldberg) goes on a ridiculous killing spree in this campy horror-comedy.

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