
Three ‘Star Wars’ films we’d like to see (and two we wouldn’t)

Perhaps a film about the mom-and-pop that does the Empire’s dry-cleaning?

Rogue One is the first of many “Star Wars stories” Lucasfilm plans to make beyond the larger Skywalker vs. Skywalker saga. The next of these, due in 2018, tells the tale of a young Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) and Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover); another as-yet-unknown anthology film is due in 2020. (It’s not Boba Fett; that idea was thrown into a man-eating pit.) If Lucasfilm is looking for Star Wars stories, they could do worse than the suggestions below. And following those, we’ll tell them exactly how they could do worse.

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s self-imposed exile on Tatooine. What happened during the decades between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope? Did he binge-watch HBO? There’s a raw, Unforgiven-like tale to be told here, and Ewan McGregor says he’s eager to reprise the role.

Coruscant. Imagine a Casablanca-like adventure/romance set on this planet-sized city, with informant and diner proprietor Dexter Jetster (Attack of the Clones) factored in somewhere.

Young Leia Organa. Because when you get a chance to have Carrie Fisher tell a story through flashback, you do it.

Meanwhile, on the dark side …

The Gungans. Jar Jar Binks’ thickly racist bumbling times a thousand. Veto.

Lobot. The story of Lando’s assistant from The Empire Strikes Back (the one who looks like he’s got built-in headphones), and his quest to become a successful trap DJ.

Photo of Geoff Carter

Geoff Carter

Experts in paleoanthropology believe that Geoff Carter began his career in journalism sometime in the early Grunge period, when he ...

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