Monday List: Fireworks and sports nicknames

Top 26 all-time sports nicknames or names of fireworks:

26. Big Dipper.

25. Black Cat.

24. Patriot.

23. Goose.

22. Dusty.

21. Pearl.

20. Color Pearl 48-Shot.

19. Big Bang.

18. Big Hurt.

17. Big Unit.

16. Johnnie Disaster.

15. Penguin.

14. Cool Papa.

13. Spitfire.

12. Red Devil.

11. Catfish.

10. Big Bob Jumbo.

9. Tug.

8. Broadway Joe.

7. Texas Cyclone.

6. Express.

5. Purple People Eater.

4. Purple People Eaters.

3. Mr. October.

2. Magical Barrage.

1 (tie). Mad Dog.

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