Another award for Angel: Magician of the Decade

Criss Angel hopes his arms are all that folds at the Luxor.
Photo: Scott Doctor

First, he was called a Mindfreak. Later, he was named Magician of the Year. Now, Criss Angel has another title to add to his collection: Magician of the Decade.

The Luxor illusionist received the first Merlin Award for Magician of the Decade from International Magicians Society this evening.

The society’s president, Tony Hassini, presented the award after the 9:30 p.m. performance of Angel’s Cirque du Soleil show, Believe.

It was the first time the society has given the momentous accolade in its four-decade history.

The organization has already named Angel its Magician of the Year five times, in 2001, 204, 2005, 2007 and 2008. Siegfried & Roy, David Copperfield and Lance Burton have also received the award.

The 41-year-old magician was humble after being named Magician Of The Decade. “I never set out to win awards, just to push my own envelope and try to create something that’s never been done,” he said.

He called the award “an honor.”


Melissa Arseniuk

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