
What they’re saying about the Prive scandal

The party doesn’t live here anymore: Prive’s liquor license denial means the club is closing its doors for now.

“Stop getting the women drunk. Stop giving women free drinks. Some women can control themselves, but then you have some that have no control. Men are the same way, but we have to pay for our drinks.” –Chris Olender, operations manager, Foundation Room

“I don’t know every rule out there, but I’ve learned enough that it’s better to follow them, even if you don’t necessarily like them. The rules you don’t like are always up for discussion and change. I guess that’s one of the great things about this country. It’s always good to be an advocate for change—just be sure to do it the right way.” –Joe Garcia, manager, Beauty Bar

“People can only take so much abuse, only be treated so bad for so long before they stand up and say enough is enough. I think Vegas needs to step back, refocus on customer service and treat people like people in order to regain the trust that was lost by the greed and corruption of a few.” –Branden Powers, partner, Poetry Nightclub

“Obviously anyone in possession of a gaming license wants to protect it by any means necessary. I expect a lot more casinos to weigh the benefits and risks of having a nightclub on the premises at all. The moment they choose to get involved with management will be the beginning of the end anyway.” –Michael Cornthwaite, owner, Downtown Cocktail Room

“The days of shoeboxes stuffed with money are gone for the most part. A new system will have to be developed to track employee tips and to also make sure they are shared equally. The moment an employee thinks upper management are the only ones getting high on the hog, resentment is created, and the thievery begins. Then it’s every dog for themselves; the tourist is the one to suffer as greed destroys all that was good. Once gone, the only way to get it back is to eradicate it, start fresh and create a fair and equal system for all.” –Branden Powers, partner, Poetry Nightclub

“I can’t imagine any sane person canceling their trip to Las Vegas because Privé is in the news with liquor-license issues.”–Jack Colton,

“This city is one of, if not the most, highly regulated cities in the entire country. The codes that were created are for the benefit of the people that live and travel here. I think that it took me a little while to fully realize how much it takes to maintain a balance in a city that allows so much to occur in the realm of ‘adult entertainment’.”–Joe Garcia, manager, Beauty Bar

“All I can say is nothing is forever except change.” –DJ Michael Toast

"It is a good and a bad. The good thing is, it shows the outside world that there are rules in Vegas, and those rules will be enforced. The bad part is, it shows the outside world that there are rules in Vegas, and those rules will be enforced. People come to Vegas to let go." -Jonathan Fine, owner, The Rockhouse


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