
Tracy Mahoney—You go-go, girl!

Photo: Beverly Poppe

Tracy Mahoney—You go-go, girl!

Hometown: Ortonville, MI

Age: Legal …

Profession: Dancer, model, bartender; owner, Flaunt Entertainment

Profile: A dancer since age 4 in a village so small as to not easily be found on a map, Tracy says that 10 years off classical dance training, two of teaching and one of gymnastic coaching prepared her to arrive in Vegas at the end of 2001. Tracy helped open Shadow Bar, then moved on to Club Rio, Curve and Ra. In 2003 Tracy started Flaunt Entertainment, a go-go, model and special-act booking agency, and in 2005 created the Flaunt Foxxes, a collaboration of 20 of her top go-gos, the “A Team.”

Why I do what I do: “There’s nothing better than a Foxx on a box! It’s therapy for me. I crave it. Physically and mentally it makes me feel better.”

Personal tidbit: Something of a workaholic, Tracy says she would still do for fun what she does for work. In the last six months, Tracy has spent any spare time she has traveling to visit family and friends: Michigan, Ohio, California.

What I’m reading: Come Back, by Claire and Mia Fontaine

Latest accomplishment: The Flaunt Foxxes are taking it on the road! The Foxxes are booked at China Blue nightclub in Boise, Idaho, on September 12 for an Arabian Nights-themed party. Of the somewhat last-minute booking, Tracy says “We’ll still be working on it in the hotel room before we go on!”

Motto: “Not all those who wander are lost” –The Lord of the Rings (bumper sticker left on Tracy’s car by a stranger).


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