
[Team Hangover Report]

Drink up! It’s safe to go back to Utah!

Nevadans can breathe a sigh of relief—Utah is coming around! Visiting Park City for the holiday weekend, I unwittingly stumbled into a Utah revolution, as our neighbor’s ever-absurd liquor laws took a much-needed chill pill. As of July 1, gone are the laughable private club memberships (unless the venue wants to stay private); gone is the so-called “Zion Curtain,” which hid drink storage and drink preparation areas in some venues; and arrived are high-tech ID scanners, which have Utah teenagers quaking in their skateboard sneaks. Of course, never one to let progress get in the way of ridiculousness, Utah subsequently instituted some new social-club laws, which now bar underagers altogether from some restaurants, and upped first-offense DUI fines from sky-high to give-us-your-first-born. Utah is nothing if not consistent. Utah’s City Weekly lays it out for you here:


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