
Nicolas Cage: movie prophet

How Cage really selects his movie roles.

Nicolas Cage has been able to see the future lately, in movies like Next and this week’s Knowing. We can’t help but wonder: If Cage could actually see the future, what would his responses have been when offered roles in these movies?

Ghost Rider: “Can I do Iron Man instead?”

National Treasure: “I’ll do it, but I want a better back-end deal—one that applies to crappy sequels, too.”


From the Archives
Knowing movie review (03/19/09)

The Wicker Man: “Can we rewrite the script so that my character doesn’t have any dialogue?”

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin:“As long as no one sees this movie, I guess it’s a safe bet.”

The Weather Man: “Sounds like a good project, but I don’t want to co-star with someone like Michael Caine, who would outshine me acting-wise in every scene we share.”

Bangkok Dangerous: We can’t even come up with a joke for this one. Seriously, you didn’t have to be psychic to know that this one was going be a piece of shit, right?

Photo of Ken Miller

Ken Miller

Ken Miller is the editor of Las Vegas Magazine, having previously served as associate editor at Las Vegas Weekly, assistant ...

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