
Aaron Thompson

Story Archive

  • Friday, Aug. 8, 2008

  • CD Review

    Thursday, Aug. 7, 2008

    A sexy drenching of groovy bass licks and retro Farfisa organ whines combined with smoky girl-on-girl vocals and perfectly grindy surf-rock guitars.

  • Noise

    Thursday, Aug. 7, 2008

    They called him Jabba the Huntridge, the foul-mouthed, ill-tempered and morbidly obese security guard at the historic Huntridge Theatre who patted down thousands of kids on their way into the former concert venue. Though it’s rumored the man passed away some years ago, his legacy lives on … in the form of a T-shirt.

  • Noise

    Thursday, Aug. 7, 2008

    It’s been a quiet week over at Rejavanate. Following a large brawl during a July 26 show featuring LA punk band Naked Aggression, the indie coffee haunt was rumored to have stopped booking concerts altogether. Fortunately for the Vegas all-ages scene, the music plays on … at least for now. “We didn’t want to take a risk,” Rejavanate co-owner Hercules Cummings says. “So we had to stop doing shows for the week.”

  • Intersection

    Thursday, July 31, 2008

    It’s been a month of bad PR for the C.A.T. bus system. Whether it’s a crazy guy hijacking a bus or an alleged perpetual drunk crashing into a bus stop, finding reasons to like public transportation is harder than ever. Here are a few.

  • Music

    Thursday, July 24, 2008

    Wisconsin’s Naked Aggression aren’t your normal ’90s Midwest punk-rockers.

  • Music

    Thursday, July 24, 2008

    As Mike Watkins, 26-year-old bassist for Vegas band Nous, smashes into best friend Dave McCraw while moshing his brains out to local metal act Parannoyd during a benefit show in his honor July 16 at the Cheyenne Saloon, you’d never guess he’s sick.

  • Music

    Thursday, July 17, 2008

    A sort of treatise on the state of industrial rock, Onara’s Out of Print might be one of the most manic CDs ever recorded.

  • A&E

    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    Jack Dagger, otherwise known as the “King of Fling,” has tossed knives at everyone from potential Louisiana politicians looking for notoriety to targets (or possibly people) on one of those crazy super-surreal Japanese game shows.

  • Intersection

    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    Sometimes finding—and shedding—an identity is tough, especially when that identity is a gateway to drugs, sex and debauchery only yards away from nearly a dozen successful locals joints.

  • Music

    Thursday, July 3, 2008

    Everyone in the lunatic fringe of America’s Southern-tinged swamp-rock scene knows Th’ Legendary Shack*Shakers vocalist and all-around madman, Col. J.D. Wilkes.

  • Music

    Thursday, June 26, 2008

    Vocalists Deneva Viera and Malley Rosen are a study in contrasts … sort of. Viera is a short Latina who looks like a gust of wind could knock her down, while Rosen is a tall white girl who could probably tear off your head if she so pleased.

  • Music

    Thursday, June 26, 2008

    It’s been kind of crazy for Escape the Fate co-founder and former vocalist Max Green lately. The 24-year-old bassist has only been back in town for a couple of days and he’s already been swept up by the storm that is Ronnie Radke, his onetime best friend. But the storm isn’t something new to Green; he’s been dealing with it since he and Radke were involved in a May 2006 fight that left one dead. Since then, legal issues, drug abuse and fights with the other members of the group forced Green to kick his best friend out of the group in January.

  • A&E

    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    Mere Mortals bass-guitar bombshell Mimi Star knows a thing or two about good ol’ U.S. rock ’n’ roll.

  • Noise

    Thursday, June 5, 2008

    Booking manager Roxy Amoroso is stressing, and it’s not yet 9:30 p.m. There’s a bartender trying to enforce parking restrictions while her bands are trying to set up, and making noise about all the $20s she’s getting. No matter. Amoroso isn’t going to let it ruin her night.

  • Events

    Thursday, June 5, 2008

    1. Gore; lots and lots of gore. 2. The bowel-shaking gravel of singer Nathan Explosion’s vocals. 3. Their album The Dethalbum is the highest-charting cartoon metal album ever produced (No. 21 on the Billboard 200)....

  • Music

    Thursday, May 29, 2008

    It’s been six years since I’ve been to a show in the desert and more than eight since I’ve heard of one being successful—success being measured not in if, but when Johnny Law will break up the gathering of punks, arrest some of them and send the rest back to their homes in the ’burbs.

  • Economy

    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    Would you wait two and a half hours in your car in 90-degree temperatures to fill up with free gas?

  • A&E

    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    It’s a little more than one week before renegade director Uwe Boll’s film Postal is set to open in theaters nationwide, and in true Boll fashion, there’s a problem with the film’s distribution.

  • Boxing

    Thursday, May 8, 2008

    We’re at Mile No. 7, and I’m feeling good, which is more than I can say for Mike Tyson.